Thursday, April 22, 2010

Discount Divas: Online Shopping Hall of Fame

I love online shopping. There is no question about it.

I can click through pages of dresses, shoes, bags, jeans in the time it takes me to lock my door, wait for the elevator and start my car to actually go shopping. I can watch tv, paint my nails, and go through work emails, all while shopping. Sure, you can't try things on, but that is a minor issue. Returns are easy, and I have only had to make 2 or 3 in several years.

Bensoni from Chick Downtown

Bensoni, $173.75 orig. $695, Chick Downtown

I get so excited when I come home to a UPS sticker on my door. I go straight back down to the lobby to get my package. I often call it a "present" or "prize." Around Christmas I say that Santa has come. Only, I bought it myself. But, that does not diminish my excitement as I rush back to my place, throw down my purse and keys and tear into that box. I throw all the packing materials on the ground as I rush to get to the goods. I then hold it up, admire it, bring it to my closet to mentally pair it with other things and then when my husband gets home, show him proudly what came for me. Of course, I must wear the new item that weekend.

Criminal Jeans Beyond the Rack

Criminal Jeans, $24 orig. $140, Beyond the Rack

And then the newness is gone. I begin the shopping all over again. It doesn't even seem like real money. The sites have all of your information saved and all you have to do is pick your poison and click. A few days later, a brand new pair of Louboutins or a Nicole Miller dress arrive. But, you say that you saved 50%? Well, my gosh, that is a deal! You simply couldn't have passed that up!

The worst (or, it could be the best!) are the big final sales that many of the sites have. There are several designers, limited quantities and sizes and big discounts. You have to be a quick draw, I mean click, to get what you want. But, don't forget to close out that cart! If you don't, someone might steal it from you. Final sale days are a frenzy of impulse clicking and then reviewing your purchases. I hope you don't have buyer's remorse though- final sales are just that: final.

Cynthia Rowley Skirt Rue Lala

Cynthia Rowley Navy/Black Reversible Tie Skirt, $89 orig. $250, Rue Lala

In order to be a champion online shopper, you have to sign up for lots of sites, check back often and know when each site starts their sales for the day. I haven't paid full price in years, and yet have never dressed better.

These are my daily sale habits:

Row Nine

The Skinny

Rue Lala

Gilt/Gilt Fuse/Gilt Jetsetter

Haute Look

The Top Secret

Glam List

Billion Dollar Babes

Beyond the Rack



Gomatta Girls

Great sales all the time:

Chick Downtown


the Outnet

Blue Fly

Get your credit card warmed up and shop!

PS: If you know of other great sites, leave a comment!

For wardrobe & image consulting visit TheStylista Website

Photos from Chick Downtown, Rue Lala, Beyond the Rack

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